
Marseille Cedex 15, FR

Function:  Service Delivery
Job Category:  Other

CMA CGM contract manager

Wärtsilä is an innovative technology company known for being a forerunner in the Marine and Energy markets. Every day, we – Wärtsilians - put our hearts and minds into turning Wärtsilä's purpose of enabling sustainable societies through innovation in technology and services into reality. Our ultimate aim is to provide increased value to both our customers and society. New, game-changing ideas and continuous improvement have been part of our DNA since 1834. Together, we can create new business opportunities and more sustainable future that we can all be proud of. 

We want to transition the world towards a decarbonised and sustainable future. By pushing the boundaries of engineering and technology, we can make it work. We are always on the lookout for future-oriented talent – want to join the ride?


We are now looking for a 


CMA CGM Contract Manager


for the CMA CGM agreement. This is a permanent position, and its preferred location is Marseille, France. 


What you will be doing


The CMA CGM customer operations office is in Marseille for the agreement fleet of today 14 vessels with growth potential for more vessels to come. The vessels are equipped with 2-S DF main engines and 4-S DF auxiliary engines.
In this position, you will lead a team of Contract Managers and Agreement Delivery Coordinators as well as manage own fleet of CMA CGM container vessels. You will be accountable for the customer satisfaction, agreement profitability and employee satisfaction. You will act as a customer escalation channel, what comes to the agreement installations. You are expected to promote additional services to the fleet together with the sales team.
We are looking for a person with strong leadership skills enabling and empowering the team to achieve the results at the same time promoting growth of the business and personal development of employees. You are also expected to ensure we meet and exceed customer expectations.  As “Manager, CMA CGM Agreement” you need to have a solid customer, business and service-oriented mindset and a problem solving “can do” attitude. 


As CMA CGM Contract Manager, your work will focus on these responsibilities: 


  • Employee satisfaction & Financials performance
    • RUM (Read Understand Manage) the agreement and develop systematically the way the agreement is delivered.
    • Manage, train, coach and develop your CMA CGM Contract Core Team (CCT)
    • Develop unity and team sprit with internal and external stakeholders.
    • Continuously improve the performance of the CMA CGM agreement
    • Follow up financial, operative and technical performance through reviews and reporting and drive corrective actions if needed
    • Proactively flag additional sales opportunities and support sales team in selling those
    • Participate in internal and external Audits
  • Customer satisfaction
    • Act as the leader towards the CMA CGM fleet and vessel management, arrange and lead regular customer meetings with your CCT.
    • Ensure continuous, reliable, and on-time customer reporting, showing value of the agreement
  • Other
    • You will be a member of the SEAF agreement management team
    • Communicate & implement the Agreement Management mission, vision, road map & processes
    • Ensure that Agreement Management procedures are followed and implement QHES procedures and arrange regular wellbeing/safety discussions with the team.
    • Work together with colleagues to jointly and continuously improve the way of working in Agreement Management globally

To be successful in this role we expect you to have:


  • B.Sc. or M.Sc. in technical or business field
  • Fluent in French & English
  • Relevant level of experience in managing a team of individuals delivering projects or customer service and business results with strong success cases
  • Good knowledge of the vessel operations and customers business needs.
  • Technical knowledge on combustion engine is a bonus, but not a prerequisite
  • Excellent communication and leadership skills
  • Good skills in problem solving, planning, target setting and leading continuous improvement actions


In this role, some travel is required to meet with our customers around the world. Thus, we hope you to be ready to travel approximately 20%, even though most of the meetings are held virtually.




Nous recherchons actuellement un Contract Manager gérer notre client  CMA CGM. Il s'agit d'un poste en CDI basé à Marseille, France. Le bureau des opérations clients de CMA CGM est situé à Marseille pour la flotte d'accords de 14 navires aujourd'hui, avec un potentiel de croissance pour d'autres navires à venir. Les navires sont équipés de moteurs principaux 2-S DF et de moteurs auxiliaires 4-S DF.


Dans ce poste, vous dirigerez une équipe de Contract Managers et de Coordinateurs de Livraison d'Accords, ainsi que la gestion de votre propre flotte de navires porte-conteneurs CMA CGM. Vous serez responsable de la satisfaction des clients, de la rentabilité des accords et de la satisfaction des employés. Vous agirez en tant que canal d'escalade pour les clients en ce qui concerne les installations d'accords. Vous êtes censé promouvoir des services supplémentaires à la flotte en collaboration avec l'équipe de vente.

Nous recherchons une personne avec de solides compétences en leadership, permettant et responsabilisant l'équipe pour atteindre les résultats tout en promouvant la croissance de l'entreprise et le développement personnel des employés. Vous êtes également censé vous assurer que nous répondons et dépassons les attentes des clients. En tant que "Manager client CMA CGM", vous devez avoir un solide état d'esprit orienté client, affaires et service, ainsi qu'une attitude de résolution de problèmes "can do".


Vos principales responsabilités seront :


  • Satisfaction des employés et performance financière
    • Lire, comprendre et gérer (RUM) l'accord et développer systématiquement la manière dont l'accord est livré.
    • Gérer, former, coacher et développer votre équipe centrale de contrats CMA CGM (CCT)
    • Développer l'unité et l'esprit d'équipe avec les parties prenantes internes et externes.
    • Améliorer continuellement la performance de l'accord CMA CGM
    • Suivre la performance financière, opérationnelle et technique à travers des revues et des rapports et prendre des mesures correctives si nécessaire
    • Signaler de manière proactive des opportunités de vente supplémentaires et soutenir l'équipe de vente dans leur vente
    • Participer aux audits internes et externes
  • Satisfaction des clients
    • Agir en tant que leader envers la flotte et la gestion des navires CMA CGM, organiser et diriger des réunions régulières avec vos clients avec votre CCT.
    • Assurer un reporting client continu, fiable et ponctuel, montrant la valeur de l'accord
  • Autres
    • Vous serez membre de l'équipe de gestion des accords SEAF
    • Communiquer et mettre en œuvre la mission, la vision, la feuille de route et les processus de gestion des accords
    • S'assuc des collèguerer que les procédures de gestion des accords sont suivies et mettre en œuvre les procédures QHES et organiser des discussions régulières sur le bien-être/la sécurité avec l'équipe.
    • Travailler aves pour améliorer conjointement et continuellement la manière de travailler dans la gestion des accords à l'échelle mondiale


Pour réussir dans ce poste vous aurez : 


  • Bac +3 minimum dans le domaine technique ou commercial
  • Maîtrise du français et de l'anglais
  • Niveau d'expérience pertinent dans la gestion d'une équipe d'individus livrant des projets ou des services clients et des résultats commerciaux avec de solides cas de succès
  • Bonne connaissance des opérations des navires et des besoins commerciaux des clients.
  • La connaissance technique des moteurs à combustion est un bonus, mais pas une condition préalable
  • Excellentes compétences en communication et en leadership
  • Bonnes compétences en résolution de problèmes, planification, fixation d'objectifs et conduite d'actions d'amélioration continue



Why you and us? 


We at Wärtsilä believe in empowerment, ownership and taking responsibility of our work. We support each other’s growth and co-creation is the true basis of our innovation. We have courage to see opportunities and take initiative. 

We are authentic and honest, and we strongly believe in that by being your own true self you can accomplish so much more. We don’t always get it right the first time, and if mistakes are made, we make sure to learn and grow from them. We want everyone to voice their opinions freely. That is why we have built an environment that empowers you and everyone around you, and where you can feel safe and cared for. Are you eager to be part of this ambition? 

We have an amazing team and we are excited about our work and the impact it has on building sustainable societies. We are looking to find a colleague with this shared passion for smart technologies and a sustainable future. 


Contact & next steps 


We hope to hear from you soon, by submitting your application through our careers portal. We aim to keep you updated on the process throughout. 

For further questions please reach out to Lambert Cyrille, Talent Acquisition Partner through email cyrille.lambert@wartsila.com with any questions related to this position (only for questions from direct job applicants, applications through email will not be recorded or responded to). 


Welcome to join us in shaping the decarbonisation of marine and energy!

Last application date: 11/10/2024 


At Wärtsilä we value, respect and embrace all our differences, and are committed to diversity, inclusion and equal employment opportunities; everyone can be their true self and succeed based on their job-relevant merits and abilities. 


This is Wärtsilä 

Wärtsilä is a global leader in innovative technologies and lifecycle solutions for the marine and energy markets. Our team of 17,800 professionals, in more than 280 locations in 79 countries, shape the decarbonisation transformation of our industries across the globe. Read more on www.wartsila.com