
Toyama, JP

Function:  Digital Technology & Innovation
Job Category:  Digital Technology and Open Innovation

DX process developer

Wärtsilä is an innovative technology company known for being a forerunner in the Marine and Energy markets. Every day, we – Wärtsilians - put our hearts and minds into turning Wärtsilä's purpose of enabling sustainable societies through innovation in technology and services into reality. Our ultimate aim is to provide increased value to both our customers and society. New, game-changing ideas and continuous improvement have been part of our DNA since 1834. Together, we can create new business opportunities and more sustainable future that we can all be proud of. 

We want to transition the world towards a decarbonised and sustainable future. By pushing the boundaries of engineering and technology, we can make it work. We are always on the lookout for future-oriented talent – want to join the ride?

Shaft Line Solutions Japan is currently looking for a DX process developer for the Marine Operations department. The DX process developer will be responsible for promoting the digitalization of internal processes, digitalizing documents, internal data management, automating reporting using SAP data, and maintaining IT infrastructure. We offer a high-quality work environment where you will have the opportunity to enjoy working to meet our customers' requirements. In this position, you will be responsible for developing and managing our internal IT solutions. The main work location is in Toyama, but remote work from various locations is also possible depending on the conditions.


Job Description

  • Promoting digitalization of internal processes
  • Development of reporting and sharing tools, mainly PowerBI
  • Building document databases and cloud computing
  • Managing master data for internal ERP
  • Automating data extraction and reporting from SAP
  • Maintaining and improving IT infrastructure
  • Promoting cybersecurity based on Wärtsilä policy



No requirements (7+ years of work experience)

To be successful in this role, we expect you to have:

  • Strong interest in solving problems, solution-oriented approach, implementation ability, and tenacity in follow-up activities to ensure sustainability
  •  Excellent communication and presentation skills
  • Broad perspective and coordination ability
  • Fluent spoken and written communication skills in Japanese. Spoken, read and written English. Speaking other languages ​​is an advantage
  • Excellent networking skills
  • Willingness to travel
  • Knowledge of management tools such as SAP is an advantage


Seen as an advantage:

  • Self-motivated and committed to the organization.
  • Attention to detail with a focus on accuracy and reliability.
  • Ability to be flexible with deadlines and prioritize tasks.
  • Excellent communication skills to build good relationships with customers and stakeholders
  • Effective time management
  • Problem-solving and decision-making skills, ability to act quickly and effectively
  • Willingness to continuously learn and grow
  • Project and overseas production experience in a multinational company (machinery manufacturing industry)
  • Experience in the marine industry
  • Ability to adapt to change


Why you and us

All our employees are encouraged to utilize the variety of training activities, learning solutions and self-study materials that we have to offer which supports the opportunity to further develop your talents and competencies within a very global working environment, in an ambitious and growth orientated organization.


Contact & next steps

Does this sound like the job for you? If yes, we hope to hear from you before the application deadline 14/11/2024 by submitting your application through our careers portal. Are you still wondering if you should apply and would like to get something clarified? Please reach out to Remi Takezawa(remi.takezawa@wartsila.com) with any questions related to this position (only for questions from direct job applicants, applications through email will not be recorded or responded to).

Please apply by  14/11/2024 at 23:59 JST. Our recruiting tool recognizes the time zone where the job ad has been published and closes the application period according to same time zone.



現在、シャフトラインソリューションズジャパン、マリンのオペレーション部門でDX process developerを募集しています。DX process developerは、社内プロセスのデジタル化の推進やドキュメントのデジタル化、、社内データ管理、SAPデータを用いたレポーティングの自動化、ITインフラの維持整備を担当します。当社は、お客様の要件を満たすために働くことを楽しむ機会を得られる、質の高い労働環境を提供しています。このポジションでは、社内のITソリューション開発・管理の責任を負います。主な勤務地は富山ですが、条件により各地リモートワークも可能です。



  • 社内プロセスのデジタル化の推進
  • PowerBIなどを中心としたレポーティング及び共有ツールの開発
  • ドキュメントのデータベース構築およびクラウド化
  • 社内ERPのマスターデータの管理
  • SAPからのデータ抽出とレポーティングの自動化
  • ITインフラの維持整備
  • バルチラポリシーに基づいたサイバーセキュリティーの推進




  • 問題解決への強い関心、ソリューション指向のアプローチ、実装能力、および持続可能性を確保するためのフォローアップ活動への粘り強さ
  • 優れたコミュニケーションおよびプレゼンテーション スキル
  • 幅広い視点と調整能力
  • 日本語の流暢な会話と書き言葉でのコミュニケーション能力。英語での会話と読み書き能力。その他の言語が話せれば有利
  • 優れたネットワーキング能力
  • 出張する意欲
  • SAPなどの管理ツールに関する知識は有利



  • 組織に貢献し、自発的に行動する。
  • 正確性と信頼性を重視し、細部に注意を払う。
  • 期限に柔軟に対応し、タスクの優先順位を付ける能力。
  • 顧客や関係者と良好な関係を築くための優れたコミュニケーション スキル
  • 効果的な時間管理
  • 問題解決能力と意思決定能力、迅速かつ効果的に行動する能力
  • 継続的な学習と成長への意欲
  • 多国籍企業でのプロジェクトおよび海外生産の経験  (機械製造業)
  • 海洋産業での経験
  • 変化への対応能力






この仕事はあなたにぴったりだと思いますか?もしそうなら、応募締め切り 14/11/2024 までに、キャリア ポータルから応募書類を提出して、ご連絡をお待ちしています。応募すべきかどうかまだ迷っていて、何かを明確にしておきたいことはありますか?このポジションに関するご質問は、Remi Takezawa(remi.takezawa@wartsila.com) までお問い合わせください (直接の求職者からの質問のみ、メールでの応募は​​記録も返信もされません) 14/11/2024 23:59 JST までにご応募ください。当社の採用ツールは、求人広告が掲載されたタイム ゾーンを認識し、同じタイム ゾーンに従って応募期間を終了します。

Last application date: 14/11/2024 


At Wärtsilä we value, respect and embrace all our differences, and are committed to diversity, inclusion and equal employment opportunities; everyone can be their true self and succeed based on their job-relevant merits and abilities. 


This is Wärtsilä 

Wärtsilä is a global leader in innovative technologies and lifecycle solutions for the marine and energy markets. Our team of 17,800 professionals, in more than 280 locations in 79 countries, shape the decarbonisation transformation of our industries across the globe. Read more on www.wartsila.com